If you did not receive a tattoo by me please refer to your tattoo artist before following any aftercare regarding your new tattoo.

Tattoo aftercare form​​​​​​​

If you received a tattoo by me, please read the aftercare form below for your instructions. The following verbal and/or written instructions were communicated to the client:

1. Information on the care of the procedure site.
2. Restrictions on physical activities such as bathing, recreational water activities, gardening, or contact with animals, and the duration of the restrictions.
3. Signs and symptoms of infection including but not limited to redness, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, red streaks going from the procedure site towards the heart, elevated body temperature, or purulent drainage from the procedure site.
4. Instructions to call a physician if any of the addressed signs and symptoms appear or for any other reason related to the Body Art procedure(s).
5. If physician care is required by the client related to the Body Art procedure(s), the client is to notify the Body Art facility and practitioner of the problem and the resolution by a physician or clinic. This information shall be placed in the client’s file.

Cleaning the tattoo
The average healing time varies between person but it's usually around 4 to 5 weeks. Gently wash the tattoo with antimicrobial soap using a rubbing motion for 2 to 3 times a day or as needed. Remember to pat dry after washing. Clean the tattoo soon after you wake up, mid into your day, and one hour before going to bed. Apply the directed ointment that was given to you by your artist. If you weren't given ointment, I recommend tattoo goo or any doctor approved vitamin A&D ointment. Apply a thin layer of the ointment on the tattoo, do not over clog the tattoo with ointment. Repeat for the first 3 to 4 days or until it starts to peel. Once it starts to peel continue cleaning with antimicrobial soap and patting dry. Moisturize the tattoo using any unscented lotion as needed when dry. Do this for the remaining 3 to 4 weeks of the tattoo healing process 

Shower instead of bathing, Avoid swimming or any activity that involves you immersing yourself or the tattooed area in water for a long period of time. When showering or washing the tattoo. Do not scrub the tattoo. Instead using the palm of your hand and antimicrobial soap rube gently the area and pat dry. 
Avoid tanning or any area where you’re under the sun for a long duration such as the beach.
Avoid scratching the tattoo, especially during its peeling stage.
Avoid wearing any form of tight and compressed clothing around the tattooed area. 
Avoid leggings, arm sleeves, sports bras, tight tank tops, etc. Make sure that the tattoo has ventilation. 
Avoid going to the gym until it starts to peel. Remember not to overwork the tattooed area. If your someone who sweats a lot at the gym. Always pat dry the area with a clean paper towel as much as possible. Always shower right after going to the gym. 

If you have any questions regarding the tattoo aftercare. Email me or send me a text.